We are pleased to announce two additions to our Asheville staff. Jeff Hoppes has joined the firm in the role of Surveyor and Ron Zietlow as a Survey Party Chief.
With nearly 30 years of experience, Jeff is licensed as a professional surveyor in North Carolina and as a professional surveyor and mapper in Florida. He has managed the survey portion of many diverse projects including theme parks, airports, bridges, and other public works infrastructure. Prior to joining Mattern & Craig, he had worked for other surveying, engineering, and construction firms in FL and NC as well as owning and operating a local surveying firm. Originally from Kansas, Jeff moved from Florida to the mountains of western NC in 2005.
Ron’s background is in roadway and bridge surveys as well as utility surveying and geographic information systems (GIS) mapping. He has passed the North Carolina surveyor intern (SI) exam and plans to sit for the professional surveyor exam in 2015. He has also completed multiple NCDOT courses and railroad training. Ron and his family live in Flat Rock, NC.