Ecological: Stream & Wetland Services


Mattern & Craig has extensive experience in the monitoring, design, and inspection of a variety of stream and wetland service related projects. Our experience includes:

  • stream monitoring and assessment – assessing geomorphology and biological features of streams to determine stability, restoration potential, and/or restoration success.
  • ecological restoration – restoring unstable stream, river, and wetland systems through natural channel design processes to restore, enhance, preserve, and protect naturally-provided ecosystem functions of these systems.
  • streambank stabilization – stabilizing streambanks to protect adjacent land and utilities while also providing environmental benefits.
  • water quality protection – using BMPs to protect streams, rivers, wetlands and other natural systems from pollution from stormwater runoff and other urban sources.
  • riparian / buffer zones – designing planting plans to establish and/or protect riparian areas consisting of native species to rermove invasive / non-native species.
  • stream and wetland mitigation – providing designs to accomplish compensatory mitigation for unavoidable impacts resulting from localities’ and private developers’ activities.
  • construction oversight – providing knowledgeable construction oversight during stream and wetland restoration projects.
  • erosion & sediment control – creation of erosion and sediment control plans specifically designed to protect stream restoration implementations and perform inspections to ensure the integrity of stream and wetland areas during restoration projects.
  • stream and hydrologic determinations – perform hydrologic determinations to classify a watercourse as either a stream or wet weather conveyance.

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