Mattern & Craig has extensive experience in the design and inspection of drainage facilities & systems, flood studies & mitigation plans and stormwater management projects. We have General Engineering Services Agreements with many of our clients to provide these services. Our experience includes:
- stormwater BMP design inspections & plan review
- EPSC/BMP design & inspection
- low impact development (LID) design
- permaculture design
- drainage improvement studies & design
- culvert studies
- floodwall & levee system design
- stormwater pump stations
- pressure storm drain design
- HEC-RAS modeling
- HEC-2 calculations & design
- stormwater detention basins with spillways
- storm drain inlet & pipe systems
- stormwater management systems
- survey/design of flood damage repairs
- retaining walls
- FEMA grant applications & mitigation projects
- TR-20 computer model
- natural channel design
- permitting & environmental clearance documents
- watershed planning/management
Click on the graphic below to learn more about our services.