Water Filtration Plant – West Jefferson NC
The Town’s water source that was used for over 50 years was classified by the State Department of Natural Resources to be under the influence of surface water and, therefore, would have to be abandoned. Mattern & Craig prepared an engineering report recommending using Micro filtration to treat the water. The filtration provides protection from Giardia and Cryptosporidium, and brings the Town’s water supply system into compliance with current regulations. The system was highly automated. Only minimal daily visits are now required to check operations, eli minating the need for a full time operator at the treatment plant. The facility is designed with two membrane filtration units each capable of treating up to 75,000 gpd. The facility was also designed with chlorination for disinfection and phosphate for corrosion control.
The facility offers multiple advantages over conventional water filtration procedures, including reliable finished water quality regardless of raw water quality without chemical optimization, automated control system reducing labor, and long term compliance with regulations.
Mattern & Craig provided design and construction administration on the project. The facility is complete and fully operational.
The project was completed at a total cost of $460,000.